3rd Annual March of Us – A March for Trans Visibility
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Taking our existence away from Government websites will not make us disappear, now more than ever, we must stand together as Trans and Gender Diverse Community, in honor of our Ancestors who carried the fight for Queer and Trans Liberation, we Trans People of Color will continue to lead a movement that aims to liberate our community despite the efforts to erase us. Join us for a Transgender Day of Visibility Rally and March to show them that WE WON’T BE ERASED!
Quitar nuestra existencia de los sitios sociales gubernamentales no nos hará desaparecer, ahora más que nunca, debemos unirnos como Comunidad Trans y de Género Diverso, en honor a nuestros Ancestros que llevaron la lucha por la Liberación Queer y Trans, nosotros, las Personas Trans de Color, continuaremos liderando un movimiento que apunta a liberar a nuestra comunidad a pesar de los esfuerzos por borrarnos. Únase a nosotros en este Día de Visibilidad Transgénero y marche con nosotros para mostrarles que ¡NO SEREMOS BORRADOS!
- March 29th
- Rally at 10 am | March starts at 11 am
- Bexar County Courthouse: 100 Dolorosa, San Antonio, TX, 78205
*Parking in the @sanantoniocollege parking garage and ride-sharing to the courthouse is highly encouraged.