Outreach is an important component of Thrive’s involvement in early intervention. Homeless youth on the street often locate themselves away from the homeless adult population, which means that a targeted outreach approach must be taken in order to reach youth and bring them into services and off the streets. Many youth fail to approach shelter and housing programs due to lack of awareness that there are targeted programs for homeless youth, or because they have heard word-of-mouth that no beds are available.

Outreach staff meet youth on the streets and provide outreach bags, crisis counseling, resources to meet basic needs, and referrals to services. Additionally, outreach workers locate potential victims of human trafficking, build relationships, and provide information so homeless youth know where they can access safety and services.

Need help with housing? Click here to learn more.

Other Services

Emergency Shelter

Emergency Shelter

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Rapid Rehousing

Rapid Rehousing

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